Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Highway Fatalities Reported

{Frankfort, Kentucky}…Preliminary statistics indicate nine people died in seven separate crashes on Kentucky's roadways from Monday, November 19th through Sunday, November 25, 2012. Three fatalities occurred in Laurel and Meade Counties prior to the start of the Thanksgiving holiday reporting period, while six fatalities were reported in Barren, Garrard, Oldham, Rockcastle and Rowan Counties as the result of five crashes during the Thanksgiving holiday period, which started at 6:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 21st and ended at 11:59 P.M. Sunday, November 25th. In 2011, 1,289 traffic crashes occurred throughout Kentucky during the Thanksgiving holiday period, claiming six lives and injuring 393 people. Through November 25th, preliminary statistics indicate 657 people have lost their lives on Kentucky roadways during 2012. This is eight fewer than reported for this time period in 2011.