(Kentucky) Local authorities are continuing to see an increase in shoplifting charges above the normal average, and some officials say a state law, the economy and drugs are likely reasons why. Officers with the Hazard Police Department charged an additional 33 people with shoplifting in July. That’s versus the norm of about 10 to 15 per month, according to police, and follows the month of June during which 30 people were charged. Most of the cases are filed as a result of incidents at the Hazard Walmart. Major Minor Allen, Investigative Sections Supervisor for the Hazard Police Department, said that shoplifting is so focused on Walmart because of how many people use the store. Another reason for the amount of shoplifters being caught at Walmart, Engle added, is the amount of resources the business utilizes for catching shoplifters. Unlike most stores that only have the clerks and stock people to watch for shoplifting, Walmart has people hired to look out for it. One of the most likely reasons for the overall increase, however, rests with the rampant drug problem in Hazard and Perry County, Engle said.