{Kentucky}...Republican Larry Hopkins, who served 14 years as a congressman representing the Lexington area, has abandoned David Williams who served as campaign manager to Hopkins when he sought the Republican nomination for governor in 1991. Hopkins says he still considers Williams a friend but prefers Beshear in this year's governor's race because he has shown a willingness to reach out to both Republicans and Democrats to solve the state's problems. Beshear, who holds a strong lead in the polls over Williams and Lexington attorney Gatewood Galbraith, welcomed the Hopkins endorsement in a letter to supporters while the Williams campaign suggested it was a political stunt. Williams campaign chairman Donald Storm says, if voters compare the candidates on their plans for tax reform, job creation and public pension reform, Williams is out talking about his platform to make Kentucky more prosperous, while Beshear arrogantly hides behind political stunts and refuses to give the people of Kentucky a real debate on the issues. Hopkins also endorsed Beshear in the 2007 election. He is one of the Republicans who have publicly endorsed Beshear's candidacy in recent months, including former Lt. Governor Steve Pence who served on a ticket with former Governor Ernie Fletcher who Beshear defeated in the last gubernatorial election.