{Kentucky}...Brian Logan, an attorney for Rebecca Farmer, the wife of Republican lieutenant gubernatorial candidate Richie Farmer, says their divorce case has stalled due to Richie Farmer's "lack of cooperation." A motion filed Tuesday says Farmer, who is currently the state's agriculture commissioner, is more than a month late in producing documents and providing answers to questions in writing. In addition, it says the court ordered mediation more than a month ago and Farmer's attorney, Richard Guarnieri, hasn't yet agreed to a date. Logan asked the court to expedite mediation and order Richie Farmer to turn over documents. He also renewed a request for a trial date. Logan says the blatant delay in this case justifies the court scheduling a trial date in order to keep this case moving forward. Rebecca Farmer filed for divorce in April, saying the marriage is irretrievably broken. The have been married for 13 years. Logan said in the motion that he filed written questions and a request for documents on June 7th, and a court rule allows 30 days for a response. In addition, he said dates he has suggested for mediation were unacceptable to Farmer, but Guarnieri hasn't provided any alternate dates.