{Lexington, Kentucky}...The Urban County Government owes more than $200,000 in attorney fees after Charlotte Trotter, a jail employee at the Fayette County Detention Center, claimed she was sexually harassed on the job by her boss, Maj. Michael Korb. Trotter's attorney, Shane Sidebottom, initially requested $203,418 in court fees, but Fayette Circuit Court Judge James Ishmael reduced that amount by $2,720 after reviewing a lengthy bill submitted by Sidebottom. The judge granted a total of $200,698 for all costs incurred through Thursday, which does not include the cost of fees from possible future appeals. Trotter sued Korb, former jail director Ronald Bishop and the Urban County Government in 2009, claiming Korb sexually harassed her and touched her breast, and Bishop and the city failed to take corrective action against Korb and that she was retaliated against for reporting the abuse. A jury awarded Trotter $60,000 in a split verdict when the case went to trial in March, but jurors found no evidence that Korb touched Trotter's breast. But, they found by majority vote that Korb sexually harassed her.