{Lexington, Kentucky}...Lexington attorney Robert Abell, who represents six current and former University of Kentucky female police officers, filed a notice of appeal Monday in Fayette Circuit Court. UK police Capt. Bobbye Carpenter, Lisa Blankenship (now Shuck), Laura Marco, Tiua Chilton, Gina Wilson, Lori Creech and Brenda Palmer filed a lawsuit against the UK board of trustees and others in 2007, alleging they faced discrimination and retaliation on the job. The women previously had filed a gender discrimination complaint, alleging that then-acting UK police chief Joe Monroe created an uncomfortable work environment by discussing his exploits drinking and partying at strip clubs. Monroe is now UK's police chief. Fayette Circuit Judge Pamela Goodwine dismissed Palmers allegations. The trial involving Carpenter was the first to be held. Another trial had been scheduled to start Monday, but it did not. Abell said in the notice that a directed verdict in April in the part of the case involving Carpenter and the fact that the case has been divided up, with separate trials involving each woman, was being appealed to the Kentucky Court of Appeals.