Monday, June 25, 2012

Bill To Crack Down On Stolen Metals

{Frankfort, Kentucky}...Metal recyclers in Kentucky will soon be required to register and keep records of their purchases under legislation sponsored by Representative Tanya Pullin. Governor Steve Beshear signed a bill Monday that will give Kentucky State Police the ability to track not only sellers of stolen metals, but those who knowingly purchase those metals. HB 390 requires a registry for second metal recyclers. That registry will require applicants to pay the Kentucky State Police for conducting background checks. The legislation also limits payments for restricted metals to be done by check or electronic bank transfer rather than cash. It also requires the registry to keep records of restricted metal purchases such as manhole covers, guardrails, traffic signs, etc., and makes those records available to law enforcement at all times. It also recommends the creation of a Recyclable Metals Theft Prevention Working Group.