Tax Reform Commission Hires Consultant
{Frankfort, Kentucky}...Governor Steve Beshear's Blue Ribbon Commission on Tax Reform has hired William Fox of the University of Tennessee as a consultant. Fox wrote a comprehensive tax reform report for Kentucky 10 years ago, warning that Kentucky's tax structure lacked flexibility to capture revenue from a changing economy, and predicted the state's current economic woes. The "Fox Report" as it is still called, recommended broadening the sales tax base to expanding services such as auto repair or tax preparation. The commission also has hired William Hoyt, director of the Martin School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Kentucky, and Michael Childress of the Center for Business and Economic Research at UK's Gatton College of Business and Economics. The consultants will be paid $59,860. The consultant team will deliver a report to the commission by August 31st and will assist the commission in drafting its report to the Governor by November 15th.