Former UK Basketball Player Arrested
{Lexington, Kentucky}...Former University of Kentucky basketball player 25 year old Michael James Porter was arrested about 1:45 A.M. Tuesday morning and charged with six counts of third-degree sodomy and two counts of first-degree sexual abuse. The charges are felonies. Porter, who is being represented by Lexington attorney Jim Lowry, pleaded not guilty to the charges Tuesday afternoon during his arraignment. Porter allegedly had sexual contact with an underage girl in 2009 and 2010 that he met while serving as a group leader during a church function. Porter played at Kentucky from 2006-2007 through 2008-2009 but left in his junior year to spend more time with his wife and child. According to police reports, the sex acts took place from August 2009, about five months after Porter announced he was quitting the basketball team, to December 2010.