(Kentucky) When asked to identify the most dangerous animal in the United States, most people, depending on where they live, would likely point first to a bear, mountain lion, alligator or even a shark. While those are all seemingly logical choices, statistics from the Insurance Information Institute reveal that the deadliest animal roaming the country is actually the white-tailed deer.
According to the Insurance Information Institute's estimates, each year white-tailed deer are responsible for tens of thousands of injuries and the deaths of approximately 150 Americans simply by causing car accidents. Those collisions also carry the hefty price tag of $4.6 billion annually in insurance claims. Locally, data from the Kentucky State Police (KSP) shows that the collisions also have seasonal peaks. Nearly 47% of all collisions with deer take place during the months of October, November and December.
The primary reason why the number of deer collisions increases in the fall is that's when deer are breeding It's what deer have on their mind to find other deer, not worry about where the cars are headed.