{Lexington, Kentucky}...Tempers and sharp criticism flared as Governor Steve Beshear and Senate President David Williams went toe-to-toe Monday night in their final 1½-hour debate on Kentucky Educational Television before the November 8th election. Williams said Beshear will have to make deep budget cuts when he returns to Frankfort in January because of past mismanagement. Beshear shot back, “One thing you said that's right is I am coming back.” Williams accused Beshear of being ineffective in working for his 2007 campaign priority of expanded gambling as a way to shore up state revenues and help Kentucky’s racing and breeding industry. Beshear responded that Williams had almost single-handedly prevented gambling legislation from being considered by the full Senate, even though there were enough votes to pass it. Williams argued for tax reform, saying the state needs to get rid of corporate income taxes and replace them with a system of sales taxes that would be decided upon at some point in the future. Beshear argued that the state's tax code may need to be tweaked, but he dismissed the idea of an overhaul. Beshear said Williams' plan, which would involve income tax repeal, would raise the state sales tax to 14 percent, the highest in the nation, but Williams said that was not true. Williams accused Beshear of being responsible for cuts to education, but Beshear said he saved the state from cuts to education while Williams favored them to balance the state budget.