{Kentucky}...Sunday, Governor Steve Beshear kicked off a statewide bus tour with other Democratic candidates hoping to boost all of his party's down-ballot candidates ahead of the November 8th general election. Beshear told about 50 supporters who crowded into his Lexington office Sunday afternoon, "If folks don't go vote, we don't win." Polls have Beshear leading Republican David Williams by 25 to 30 percentage points. Hoping to capitalize on that popularity, fellow Democrats running for agriculture commissioner, attorney general, auditor, secretary of state and treasurer seized the chance to join Beshear on the bus tour. Speaking for the Williams campaign, Republican Party Chairman Steve Robertson said Democratic unity isn't so impressive. We've known for some time that the Democratic ticket is united in its support of Barack Obama for President, abortion, and Steve Beshear's record of high unemployment, but it was nice of them to reaffirm it for us. Republican insider Larry Forgy, a Frankfort attorney, said Kentucky voters are suspicious of all the money being spent by Democrats, and that could play in Williams' favor. Forgy said, "I don't want to argue with all the polls, but I simply will say that it isn't over until the people go vote. And, the Democrats rely on an awful lot of people who are driven to the polls by excitement, and their vote is not as reliable as a conservative vote."