{Kentucky}...The first hunting season of the fall opens in about two weeks. Kentucky’s fall squirrel season, a 192-day split season that kicks off the calendar of fall hunting, opens on August 20th and continues through November 11th. The season opens again November 14th and runs through February 29, 2012. The daily bag limit is six squirrels. Ben Robinson, small game biologist for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, said the outlook for the season is excellent. “Last fall we had a really good mast (nut) crop, particularly the red and white oak groups, with the hickories close behind,” said Robinson. “There was lots of food and females were in good condition going into breeding. There should be lots of young squirrels this fall.” The Kentucky Division of Forestry reported on its website that 47 percent of Kentucky is forested, some 11.9 million acres.