Marijuana Plants Confiscated
{Frankfort, Kentucky}…Federal,
state and local law enforcement agencies confiscated more than $1.5 billion
worth of marijuana this year in central Appalachia.
Ed Shemelya, head of marijuana eradication in the Appalachian High Intensity
Drug Trafficking Area, released preliminary figures Tuesday showing that aerial
spotters guided ground crews to more than 760,000 plants during the 2012
growing season in Kentucky, Tennessee
and West Virginia, nearly 430,000 of the
plants found in Kentucky, 192,000 in West Virginia and more than 147,000 in Tennessee. They also arrested more than 400
growers in the region. The overall haul was down from last year, when law
enforcement eradicated 1.1 million plants valued at more than $2 billion. But
the total for this year is expected to rise. The final tally will be available
by mid-January.