Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Derby Ticket Lawsuit Reinstated
{Louisville, Kentucky}...The Kentucky Court of Appeals has reinstated a lawsuit that alleges former Louisville assistant basketball coach Steve Masiello backed out of a $70,000 deal to obtain tickets to the Kentucky Derby and Oaks and kept most of the money he had been given. Ticket broker Scott Davis filed the lawsuit, which was thrown out in December 2010 by Jefferson County Circuit Judge Charles Cunningham Jr., who said scalping tickets was a criminal act in Kentucky, and "the courts of justice are not in the business of facilitating criminal acts.” The Court of Appeals ruled Friday that Davis' business, DerbyDeals.com, is based in Indiana, where scalping is legal. The ruling said there was no evidence that tickets were being sold in Kentucky above face value. Davis' co-counsel, Garry Adams, says the ability of the courts of Kentucky to “reach acorss the river is prohibited regardless of their opinions on the law of a different state.” Adams says there is nothing illegal about purchasing tickets at or above face value in Kentucky, just selling above face value, and there has been no proof filed in the case showing that happened.