{Frankfort, Kentucky}...State Auditor Adam Edelen released a financial review Monday, saying a team of auditors discovered what they believed to be "a toxic culture of entitlement" within the Kentucky Department of Agriculture during the administration of former Commissioner Richie Farmer, including evidence suggesting Farmer misused state employees by directing them to perform personal errands for him, including taking him hunting. The audit also says Farmer, who had state workers build a basketball court in his back yard while on state time, used $900 in concrete donated from a vendor to build the basketball court and a retaining wall at his Frankfort home and never reported the gift, as required by state ethics laws. Edelen said Farmer had state employees mow his yard and chauffeur his dog between Frankfort and Louisville during the State Fair because the hotel wouldn't allow dogs, all while on the clock. Edelen says he will refer the information to agencies including the Kentucky Attorney General, the Executive Branch Ethics Commission and the Internal Revenue Service. Farmer's attorney, Guthrie True of Frankfort, dismissed the audit as very political and self-serving, saying he doesn't see anything that any law enforcement agency is going to likely get excited about pursuing in terms of criminal prosecution.