Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Williams Proposes Eliminating State Income Taxes
{Kentucky}...Republican gubernatorial nominee David Williams released a plan Wednesday aimed at creating and retaining jobs in Kentucky. Williams wants to eliminate state personal and corporate income taxes and recommends several short-term tax suspensions designed to jump-start Kentucky's job market and several changes in the law, including allowing local voters to decide whether their county should have a right-to-work law, which would allow an employee to opt out of joining a union. The plan also allows local voters to decide whether local governments should have to pay the prevailing wage for public works projects. Matt McGrath, with the Kentucky Democratic Party, immediately dismissed Williams' plan saying, "David Williams' shiny plan with fancy photographs isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and it certainly can't hide a quarter-century as a career politician, abusing taxpayer dollars to enrich himself rather than improving the lives of Kentuckians." Galbraith's running mate, Dea Riley, called Williams' plan "a political statement, not an economic-tax plan."