{Kentucky}...Monday, 59 year old Ralph Justice was sentenced to 54 months in prison, 32 year old Adam Justice to 36 months in prison and Eric Justice, 30, to 20 months in prison. Christopher Newman, a friend of the Justices, was also sentenced to 24 months in federal prison. Police say Newman received shipments of mephedrone from India and drove the shipments from his residence in Garrison, Kentucky to Ralph Justice’s business in Ironton, Ohio. Justice and his sons packaged the drug as Ivory Bath Salts and sold it at the business, to retail shops in West Virginia and eastern Kentucky and to buyers over the Internet. Federal prosecutors say Ralph and Adam Justice admitted in their plea agreements that they conspired to distribute 17 kilograms of the substance known as 4-Methylmethcathine, referred to as mephedrone, from April of 2010 until January of this year. The Justices and Newman also manufactured and sold synthetic marijuana. Court documents indicate that the organization made approximately $200,000 from the sale of both drugs.