Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hunting Bears With Dogs?

{Frankfort, Kentucky}...More than a century ago, bears thrived in Kentucky's mountain region, but over-hunting and habitat loss led to their disappearance. Over the past 20 years, they have been venturing back into Kentucky from other states. Under a new proposal being heralded by hunters and assailed by animal rights activists, the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission could vote as early as next month to establish a roughly six-week season beginning in August for hunters to chase bears but not kill them, and another limited season in December in which hunters could shoot bears their dogs bay. The Kentucky Houndsmen Association says the proposal will not only provide hunters with more opportunities but will also instill a fear of people in some of the more brazen bruins that have moved into the state's mountain region. The Humane Society of the United States criticizes chasing bears with hounds as inhumane, and a bad idea considering the population is estimated at less than 500 animals.