Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 General Assembly Convenes

{Frankfort, Kentucky}...Gavels fell in the House and Senate shortly after noon Tuesday as lawmakers convened the 2012 session of the General Assembly. One of the first actions was the filing of a proposal that would redraw boundary lines around the state's legislative and congressional districts. House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, says redrawing the political boundaries "is probably one of the most contentious issues the legislature deals with." House Majority Floor Leader Rocky Adkins, D-Sandy Hook, says redistricting is going to be the dominating topic, but lawmakers are hoping to have that completed and out of the way within the first two weeks. Governor Steve Beshear has warned that the upcoming budget cycle could be the "most challenging" yet. Senate President David Williams says Kentucky has serious and daunting problems financially, and budget negotiations could be tough at a time when cash infusions are needed for the state's education system, pension funds, Medicaid program and transportation projects including the proposed Ohio River bridges at Louisville. Stumbo says he believes the House could approve a proposal to allow voters a say in whether to expand gambling opportunities beyond horse races, lotteries and charitable bingo games. Lawmakers will also see pushes to allow charter schools to open in Kentucky and to accept the private University of Pikeville into Kentucky's system of public universities.