Sunday, January 29, 2012

Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients Unlikely To Pass

{Frankfort, Kentucky}...Legislation that would require welfare recipients to be tested for drug use is gaining popularity among Kentucky lawmakers, and more than 50 have signed on as co-sponsors. State Representative Lonnie Napier, a Lancaster Republican who has been pushing the measure for the past two years, says businesses typically require employees to pass a drug screening, so why would welfare recipients not be held to the same standard? So far this year, measures have been introduced in 24 states that would require testing of people receiving temporary assistance to needy families. In 14 states, the proposals would require testing of people receiving any type of welfare assistance, including food stamps. Representative Tom Burch, chairman of the House Health and Welfare Committee, says he didn't allow a vote on the proposal in his committee last year, and he has no intention of relenting this time around.