Kentucky Senate President 59 year old David Williams and his wife, former district court judge 41 year old Robyn Edmonds Williams, are divorcing after nine years of marriage. David and Robyn Williams were married in Cumberland County on July 16, 2003, six months after he was divorced from his first wife, Elaine Webb. The divorce suit, filed Monday in Russell Circuit Court by Robyn Williams, says the couple has been separated since July 1st and that irreconcilable differences have arisen between them. Robyn Williams says the "rough-and-tumble pressures" of politics put "unique and incessant pressure" on their relationship. David Williams says his wife has "decided to take her life in a different direction." The Burkesville Republican says he greatly admires his wife and wishes her the best. Robyn Williams says she has great respect for her husband and says they decided to part amicably. Robyn Williams has been mentioned as a possible candidate for state attorney general in 2015, but she said Monday that she won't be running for attorney general or anything else in politics. Former Governor Ernie Fletcher appointed Robyn Williams in October 2004 to a state district court judgeship for Russell, Wayne and Clinton counties. She served until December 2010. David Williams, R-Burkesville, has been president of the Senate since 2000.