Saturday, July 28, 2012

WVU Adopts Campus Weapons Policy

{Bowling Green, Kentucky}...Western Kentucky University's board of regents have approved a change to the campus weapons policy to allow weapons in cars parked on campus. The Kentucky Supreme Court ruled in April that students and staff members at Kentucky universities may keep guns and other deadly weapons in a car, but the schools may continue to regulate them elsewhere on campus. The change comes after the state Supreme Court ruled that Michael Mitchell, a graduate student at the University of Kentucky, had a right to store his gun in his car while parked on campus, Wilkins said. Mitchell sued UK after he was dismissed from the university when police found a gun in his car. People with a concealed carry permit can store a weapon anywhere in their car, while those without a permit can place one somewhere in their car that would take two motions to reach. If someone takes the weapon out of the car or has a weapon anywhere else on campus, the person will be in violation of the policy.