Friday, December 16, 2011

Prosecutions Demanded In UBB Mine Disaster

{Washington, D.C.}...In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Friday, ranking House Education and Workforce Committee member George Miller, D-Calif., along with 15 other Democratic committee members, demanded the Justice Department pursue criminal prosecutions in the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster. Specifically citing former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, the Democrats said in the letter, "This tragedy was completely preventable had the managers and senior executive responsible for this mine complied with the requirements of the Mine Act and its regulations." Twenty-nine men died and two were injured when an explosion occurred inside the mine near Montcoal on April 5, 2010. Several  investigations have declared the accident preventable, saying Massey Energy ignored basic safety measures. The committee says individuals established the deadly practices at the mine, and those individuals should be held accountable. Massey was bought by Virginia-based Alpha Natural Resources in June. Alpha recently reached a $210 million settlement that spares the corporation criminal prosecution, but does allow prosecution of individuals.