{Lexington, Kentucky}...The League of Conservation Voters will begin airing a two week $150,000 TV ad on Lexington stations blasting Senator Rand Paul. The organization is targeting a resolution Paul introduced that seeks to nullify the Cross State Air Pollution Rule, a public health safeguard developed by the EPA to require power plants to decrease air pollution that travels across state lines. The group's president, Gene Karpinski, called the measure irresponsible. The ad calls for Kentuckians to contact Paul and "tell him to stop pushing laws that protect out-of-state polluters. Karpinski says, "Senator Paul should be working in Washington to protect his constituents from dangerous pollution, not leading efforts to allow out of state polluters to endanger the health and well-being of Kentucky families." Paul spokeswoman Moira Bagley says Senator Paul is keeping his promise to fight the out-of-control Obama EPA and its war on Kentucky coal, and out-of-state interest groups distorting the facts will not deter him from fighting for Kentuckians against this radical administration's attempt to shut down coal plants and mines.