(Pikeville, Ky) - Officials with the Pike County school system made an announcement this week that will save families of students hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars this upcoming school year. All students in the 24 schools in the Pike County school system will receive free meals this year, regardless of economic status. Superintendent, Roger Wagner says he is thrilled to be able to make this announcement. Wagner explained that the savings per student throughout the course of one school year is $525.00. So, by not having to buy breakfast and lunch meals at school, a family with four children in school will save $2,100.
Sabrina Thompson, School Food Service Director for the Pike County school system said another benefit to this program is the elimination of students being singled out because of their economic status. No longer will students be looked down apon because they are on "free" or "reduced" meal plans because of their families financial situation. In addition to the announcement of the no cost school meals, officials pointed out that currently, only 30% of students in grades K-12 eat breakfast at school. Breakfast is commonly referred to as the most important meal of the day, and Thompson said they want to increase the number of students eating breakfast. So, the morning bells will be ringing a little earlier this school year so each classroom in the county can be served breakfast for the first 10 minutes of each school day.