Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fayette County Sheriff's Deputies Charged

{Lexington,  Kentucky}...Fayette County Sheriff's Deputies 55 year old Sgt. Merle McDaniel, 37 year old  Maj. Chris Tudor were arrested Thursday and and former 47 year old Sgt. Bill Beers was cited following an investigation into missing guns at the Fayette County sheriff's office. The investigation revealed that guns confiscated by McDaniel and Beers had not been booked into the office's property vault. Sheriff Kathy Witt said at a news conference Thursday that it was later discovered that two of the weapons had been sold at pawn shops. All but one of the guns have since been recovered and either booked into the sheriff's vault or returned to their owners. McDaniel was charged with two counts of theft by unlawful taking, failing to book six weapons. Beers was charged with three counts of theft by failure to make required disposition after allegedly failing to book eight weapons. Tudor was cited for official misconduct, accused of creating a false report to cover up four missing guns.